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5 Day Meet & Greet to Get to Know Your Baby (Even Before They Are Born)

Pregnancy is weird. You literally have another person sharing your body, and yet you may feel you don’t know them at all!


What if you could truly start getting to know your baby and talking with them (not just to them) right away? What if you can have real communication now, even before birth?


What if your baby already has something they would like you to know?

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Join us for the 5 day 'Hi Baby' Challenge!

After the birth of my first child, I struggled with postpartum depression, exhaustion, and overwhelm; I’d cry when I told our birth story and they weren’t tears of joy. It was so intense, my husband and I almost chose “one and done!”


During my second pregnancy, I was terrified that the birth and postpartum year would be as painful as it was the first time around. Then, on my due date, I was introduced to the tools of Access ConsciousnessⓇ.


With these life-changing tools, every area of my life started getting easier, including the birth of my second baby the very next day!


Since then, I’ve shared this unique blend of coaching, energy clearing, and support for the body with hundreds of moms, helping them discover a new level of relaxation, confidence, and connection from conception, through birth, and throughout their motherhood journey.

Signature Michelle Noble, The Calmer Mom Coach


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Michelle Noble, The Calmer Mom Coach
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Baby Diaper

Online Client, Mom of Newborn

I like the tools, knowing it's okay to focus on myself, and knowing to be a good mom I don't have to fit in.

Elisabeth Morgan

Baby Rattle

It's hard to put into words how powerful Michelle's work os.

I was 11 days overdue with my daughter and had tried all the "tricks" to naturally induce Labor, with no luck. I went in for an Access bars session in the evening, and I could feel the change in my body immediately after. My labor started within a couple of hours and my little girl was here early the next morning!

Baby Diaper

Lisa, Mom of 8 year old

Super inspiring! Many aha moments! Michelle is so warm, funny, and down to earth. It's like a visit with a trusted friend.

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​© 2022 by Michelle Noble Noble Steps Healing and The Calmer Mom Project.

The Calmer Mom Project


All rights reserved.

Licensed Massage Practitioner, WA Lic#MA00010971

Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator & Certified F***ing Miracle Worker Credential of Ministry, Universal Life Church, 2016

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